
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Redoing the stockroom

Since I am getting back into my version of extreme couponing again and scoring a lot of freebies like in my last trip I am thinking of redoing my stockroom. Right now I have several shelves in it and organized by food in one area, cleaning and other house hold products in one, samples in another area, and so on. But I don't have a FREE section so when people come to visit I can never say look at all the stuff I scored for free unless I point out different things around the room. So I think over the next few days I am going to redo the room. I want just a FREE section as well as a $1 and under section. Then I am not sure how I will organize the rest yet. I just know that with the next trips I plan on scoring several freebies and $1 and under items so I need to have a nice place to show it off. It is nice to know that you are doing your share when it comes to taking care of the ones you love by putting in effort to find the best deals to help save money and still support your family.

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