
Saturday, April 6, 2013

My mailbox loves me

This week I got a free Fusion Pro Glide Razor, free Excedrin,  free coupon for Tortillas and some of the coupons I ordered offline. Overall it was a very good week. I also got some late Easter tattoos for eggs and stuff. There wasn't many days that something didn't come in the mail this week. Over all I am ready for my next shopping trip. I have several freebies to go and get and can't wait. I did the stockroom like I said I would in my last post but then redid it. I realized that with the upcoming trip a lot of items would be under a $1 so I would need a bigger area so for now I only have a FREE section, which will be all the freebies I get in the mail along with the items I get for free with coupons. Then I have my tall shelf for house hold items and the other shelf will be for food items. Hopefully soon I will have the shelves put up in the closet to also give me more room. I am hoping to save a lot when I go in the next few days and can't wait to tell everyone about it. I am super excited myself. In the meantime I have  been trying to keep up with what me and my boyfriend spend and save and so far I keep forgetting to get receipts from him but for the items I do have were doing really good on the saving part. Even when it comes to things for his work we are hitting sales. I am going to start printing off some coupons to help us in that department as well. And since it is going to be warm this week I am going to try and find some coupons to help me at either Lowes or Home Depot for my paint supplies I plan on going to get. I am very excited for the warm weather to come and help me get our home in order. As well as having a full house of goodies :)

Also don't forget to get your coupons tomorrow, it looks like this week is going to be a really good one. 

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