
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monday's shopping trip

I am nearly a week behind on posting this and I apologize, things have been hectic around my house lately. But time to tell you all about my great coupon adventure. I ended up going to just Walmart and Foodlion and saved $32.51 in coupons and mvp and only spent a total of.....$22.79. I did excellent. Now that is just my savings. I went out with my sister and helped her save over $8 on just one can of formula and a few dollars off another. As an aunt I also signed up for Gerber formula coupons and also had some I was able to print. So I was able to help feed my neice as well. Which that little chunky monkey seemed very happy about. lol.

Overall the trip was great. I scored a bunch of freebies.

This is what I got between the two stores.

Angel soft toilet paper, 5 packs of ramen, 2 boxes of mac and cheese, 6 boxes of hamburger helper, 2 boxes of triscuits, 1 pack of tortillas, 2 shaving creams, 4 glade products, 1 packet of kikkoman seasoning, 2 packets of duncan hines frosting mix, 1 box of polygrip, 1 u by kotex liners.

And also I had coupons for knorr pasta sides that we used for my sister so in my haul I had 4 boxes of those not pictured in my shopping trip. The following items were free: The tortilla shells, the 4 glade products, The fusion shaving creme, the kikkoman packet and also the 2 frosting packets, and the polygrip behind the liners was also free. Along with one box of the triscuits. Overall it was an amazing trip. 

I already have my next one planned because I didn't get to use a lot that day. But I can't complain. I had a lot of fun and saved a lot while doing so. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I just don't get it

Last night I went out to get my dinner and since it was really late already I just wanted to use a few coupons that expired today. There was a total of 8 coupons for 16 items. The cashier went from all happy to completely rude when she saw my coupons. Now these weren't fill in the price or anything but since they were $3 off coupons she had to hit a button on the keyboard after scanning each coupon. I personally could not understand why the lady got so rude considering no one was in her line, the store was completely empty and she had been flirting with my boyfriend 5 seconds earlier. Now if anyone should have been mad it was me. lol. But by the end of this trip I had saved $24 dollars and scored my free hair spray and mouse products and even had a few cents taken off the rest of my buggy. So I was happy. Plus I got some more holders for my coupons as well as a cutter to help me cut when I have a bunch of inserts each week. And the   cutter was marked down over $10. So I saved on it too :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

My mailbox loves me

This week I got a free Fusion Pro Glide Razor, free Excedrin,  free coupon for Tortillas and some of the coupons I ordered offline. Overall it was a very good week. I also got some late Easter tattoos for eggs and stuff. There wasn't many days that something didn't come in the mail this week. Over all I am ready for my next shopping trip. I have several freebies to go and get and can't wait. I did the stockroom like I said I would in my last post but then redid it. I realized that with the upcoming trip a lot of items would be under a $1 so I would need a bigger area so for now I only have a FREE section, which will be all the freebies I get in the mail along with the items I get for free with coupons. Then I have my tall shelf for house hold items and the other shelf will be for food items. Hopefully soon I will have the shelves put up in the closet to also give me more room. I am hoping to save a lot when I go in the next few days and can't wait to tell everyone about it. I am super excited myself. In the meantime I have  been trying to keep up with what me and my boyfriend spend and save and so far I keep forgetting to get receipts from him but for the items I do have were doing really good on the saving part. Even when it comes to things for his work we are hitting sales. I am going to start printing off some coupons to help us in that department as well. And since it is going to be warm this week I am going to try and find some coupons to help me at either Lowes or Home Depot for my paint supplies I plan on going to get. I am very excited for the warm weather to come and help me get our home in order. As well as having a full house of goodies :)

Also don't forget to get your coupons tomorrow, it looks like this week is going to be a really good one. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Redoing the stockroom

Since I am getting back into my version of extreme couponing again and scoring a lot of freebies like in my last trip I am thinking of redoing my stockroom. Right now I have several shelves in it and organized by food in one area, cleaning and other house hold products in one, samples in another area, and so on. But I don't have a FREE section so when people come to visit I can never say look at all the stuff I scored for free unless I point out different things around the room. So I think over the next few days I am going to redo the room. I want just a FREE section as well as a $1 and under section. Then I am not sure how I will organize the rest yet. I just know that with the next trips I plan on scoring several freebies and $1 and under items so I need to have a nice place to show it off. It is nice to know that you are doing your share when it comes to taking care of the ones you love by putting in effort to find the best deals to help save money and still support your family.

Monday, April 1, 2013

My coupon shopping trip

I was finally able to go out this weekend and do my coupon shopping. Sadly it wasn't as big as I had hoped for. Our dollar tree does not carry a lot of name brands because of where we are located so that set me back a bit in what I hoped to achieve but price wise I did....EXCELLENT.

Between Walmart and Dollar Tree I scored:
2 boxes of Olay bar soap, 2 Swiffer dust and shine sprays, 2 soft scrub toilet bowl cleaning kits, 7 cans of John Frieda moose, and 5 cans of John Frieda hair spray.

Total before coupons added up to $26.86 and I had $24.47 worth in coupons. Overall I did great. I scored all my John Frieda products free, one of the Olay bar soaps was free as well as one of the Swiffer dust and shine sprays and then I had over ridge. I was very happy with my trip.

I also got an email saying that I got paid for one of the surveys I did :) Only made $.25 but I found a site that pays automatically and you don't have to wait to cash out. That site was so far they don't have a limit to when you can cash out. So that is pretty awesome.