
Friday, March 15, 2013

Too many coupons, so little time

I am trying to get my binder together to go and see about doing some coupon shopping within the next few days. My boyfriend is setting up a computer just to print off coupons and I am looking forward to it but I am looking through now and seeing which ones I can benefit from the most. A lot of times we just go crazy and print a bunch and waste ink knowing we aren't going to use them all. I am trying to see which ones I can have downloaded to my cards and which ones I have to print.

So far these are some of the stores I know you can get coupons sent right to your card:

So not only are you saving money by using the card method, your going green as well and using less paper :) It is a win, win.

As I find more sites that allow you to put coupons directly to your card I will add them to this post.

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