
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Saving money with coupons

 When it comes to saving money these days everyone is doing it. I started couponing originally in 2011 more for a hobby than for the financial reasons. It was something I could do while my boyfriend did his computer games, but after a while it became eventually became a lifestyle. I have now been couponing on a budget these past few years to get us ready for when we moved into our own place. In November of 2012 we moved into our own place and had a decent stockpile to bring with us. I ended up expanding my small shelf to it's own room. 
I started out with couponing for simple things like: shampoo, conditioner,  deodorant, body wash, toothpaste, and dish soap. This of course has now expanded into all of that plus: laundry soap, baby stuff, feminine products, can goods, cereal, drinks, cleaning supplies, as well as first aid items. 

And we can't forget the SAMPLES! I love samples. Free items that come through my mailbox has been a lot of help since we moved in. It was one of the things I enjoyed most about starting my hobby back in 2011. I had something to look forward to everyday when the mail came. Since we moved into our home we have been able to put to use many of those samples and I can honestly say I just had to start using the first aid items I have actually bought myself. 

Now that I have been couponing for so long I know most of the ins and outs of how things work. I have even started a coupon trade group locally for several people to exchange the coupons they won't be using for the ones they actually could use for their family. I thought I would pass on some of my everyday knowledge to help others who are just starting out. Their are many great bloggers out there that do this as well and many help me. I just want to help in anyway I can as well. 

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