
Monday, December 15, 2014

My 25 days of Christmas deals

Today I thought I would share some things I have scored with points and things this holiday season. Hopefully some of these things you have been working on throughout the year and can score them as well. 

I do the mycokerewards program so I scored the free 12 pack of coke for only 30 pts. This is a gift for my dad's little goodie set up because he is the one who does a lot of the coke products and will love this little treat. Also I spent 5 pts and got a $20 giftcard for Since I always buy my grandma flowers every year this will be a unique surprise for them to actually be delivered and they are so beautiful. Plus they even have a really beautifully setup for under $20 if I want to go that route and can score them for completely FREE. 

I also joined the disney movie rewards program since the 25 day countdown has started. Since I linked up my google account I even got wreck it ralph for free. So a little early present for me since that movie is very cute. 

Also with the kellogg's family rewards I have been doing I can either get some new stuff for stocking stuffers or even a gift card for $10 off from the discovery toys. I personally haven't decided which route I want to take so I haven't used my pts on here yet. 

Also with the Walmart Savings catcher I plan on using those amounts to help lower the price on gifts. 

Also cash in ibotta accounts, and checkout 51 accounts for some extra cash. 

These are just some of the ways I have been saving this holiday season so far. I will try and share any other things I have missed. 

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